Kate Nash – Do-Wah-Doo

Kate Nash Do-Wah-Doo

Kate Nash nous revient avec un nouvel album : My best friend is you. Après le somptueux Made of Bricks et son lovely Foundations l’artiste anglaise nous offre un deuxième album complètement dingue ! Et dire qu’elle n’a pas encore 23 ans….

Pour ce clip du dimanche soir, voici Do-Wah-Doo de Kate Nash.

Le clip :

Les paroles :

Everybody thinks that girl’s so fine
Everybody’s like I’ll make her mine
Everyone think’s she’s a bit of alright
But I think that she’s not so nice.
Every guy’s looking in her eyes
Every guy’s checking out her thighs
Everyone think’s that girl’s a lady
But I don’t, I think that girl’s shady.

Well I’ll just read a book instead
I don’t care if we’re just friends
But I can hang out with myself
I’ve had enough now to pretend
We’ll just read a book instead
But I know that you think she’s best
But I don’t even think she cares
I don’t know what you see
There’s nothing there

Well I think she’s a ..

Well I’ll just read a book instead
I don’t care if we’re just friends
But I can hang out with myself
I’ve had enough now to pretend
We’ll just read a book instead
But I know that you think she best
But I don’t even think she cares
I don’t know what you see
There’s nothing there

Well I think she’s a ..

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